Friday, October 14, 2011

blog hop!!!

Hi i was just linked up to blog hop!!!! I am new toblogging well kinda. I think it has been about a year!!!! So here are some things about me I am in high school! I am a believer of the Lord Jesus. I live in a family with 4 kids,2 dogs and 5 chickens! I love photography So plz follow me through my life! I just got a new camra!!! So there are some good edited pitchers to come! Katie


  1. Stopping by from the Y&R blog hop! Can't wait to stop by and see your pics.- what kind of camera did you get?

  2. Thanks for linking up! what feedback did you need? you can email me (

  3. Hi this is Nicole from Colie’s Kitchen I just discovered your blog and wanted to drop by and say hi. I am now a new follower. I would love to have you stop by Colie’s Kitchen if you get a chance.

  4. sure Katie..i'll follow your journey in this crazy world..=) hope you follow back..thanks!

