Wednesday, July 28, 2010



My 2nd cuz Charleigh has Neuroblastoma which is cancer that affects the adrenal gland, kidneys, liver and splein.They tolk out her tumer in on her galblater. And had it otopceyed. The mom is young and is not marrie this is her first. They will and Need a lot of prar.They are trying to stay off of chemo but she might need it in a cupple mounthes.They are hoping her body will fight this off. They feel she could still be cancer free within a year. They did say that if she was a two year old they would be having a totally different talk with them.

Her sis is a singel mom to or maybe she just got married. But she has a little boy to.

So if you can plz ceep them in your prars!!!

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