Friday, July 2, 2010


Ok Jacob was moving a bord in my grandpas barn and a SNAKE head poped out. And he yeld( we all did) Then we put a smoke bom in it and the first one whent out. Then i whent out and said i wanted to see! I LOOKED AND THERE WAS A LIVE SNAKE! I haved never skremed as loud as i did here!!!! I RAN ALL THE WAS TO THE BEACH TO TELL MY DAD!My grandpa came up and saif that it was ok and whent down to the beach with his beer!!!! ( grandpa i think you had to much!!!!!!!!!! and no JK) My cuz Kerstin told my to told Jacob to oppen the dore to the barn with his hands just as the dore was about to AND THERE CAME ANUTHER SNAKE!!!! pore Nabors( my aunt said she could here it from the beach) I hate snakes!!!!!

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