Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sakating and 8 years old

Today was Abby's 8Th birthday. *pictures to come* She had many funny face as she blow out her candles. * on 2 cakes* Now about skating! Abby started skating because of ME. * I quit about 2 years ago* She had it in her mind that at age of 7. She would land her AXEL! one of the hardest jumps in figer skating. So to nigh she asked if she could go skating. So to night she landed the AXEL! ( well landed then fell but she was on 2 feet before she fell) I was always scared to fall on jumps. So i never learned very many! So am so surprised that if achulaly happened!!!!!! YAYYYY for ABBY we will see where she is in lessons or jump wise when she turners 9!!!! Thanks Katie By the why i have a story about me and being *raciest*. ya i know Katie Ruhl racesed??

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